محرك البحث لمكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

محرك بحث يمني يهدف الى تجميع فهارس كافة مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

001: 19BKE001856
003: Starlibrary PMS 4.5
005: 20180403
020: ^a0072463546
066: ^ajo.L
072: ^amedical microbiology -- laboratory manuals
082: ^a616.01
100: ^ajosephine a morello
240: ^aLaboratory manual and workbook in microbiology: applications to patient care
245: ^a ^b applications to patient care
260: ^abosto ^b mcgraw-hill ^c2003
300: ^b286p, 28cm
500: ^aReflects the body systems approach and contains specific sections on clinical diagnosis. This microbiology laboratory manual is designed especially for the non-majors, health science microbiology courses. It includes 36 exercises and 43 experiments that c
650: ^amedical microbiology
650: ^amicrobiologie me?dicale -- manuels de laboratoire
700: ^ahelen eckel mizer
700: ^amarion e wilson
520: ^a1 basic techniques of microbiology 1 orientation to the microbiology laboratory 1 the microscope 2 handling and examining cultures 2 microsopic morpho