رقم التصنيف: | 004.6 |
العنوان: | Computer networks and internets |
المؤلف: | Douglas Comer |
الناشر: | upper saddle river, nj: pearson prentice hall |
تاريخ النشر: | 2009 |
الترقيم الدولي: | 9780136061274 |
الموضوعات: | computer networks // Computer science // rechnernetz // internetworking (telecommunication) // interconnexion de re?seaux (te?le?communications) // re?s |
الوصف المادي: | xxvii, 600 pages: illustrations; 25 cm + 1 cd-rom |
نوع الوعاء: | كتاب |
اللغة: | عربي |
المستخلص: | internet trends --br // internet applications and network programming --br // traditional internet applications --br // overview of data communications --br // information sources and signals --br // transmission media --br // reliability and channel coding --br // transmission modes --br // modulation and modems --br // multiplexing and demultiplexing: channelization --br // access and interconnection technologies --br // local area networks: packets, frames, and topologies --br // the ieee mac sub-layer --br // wired lan technology: ethernet and 802.3 --br // wireless networking technologies --br // lan extensions: fiber modems, repeaters, bridges, and switches --br // wan technologies and dynamic routing --br // networking technologies past and present. internetworking: concepts, architecture, and protocols --br // ip: internet addressing --br // datagram forwarding --br // support protocols and technologies --br // the future of ip ipv6 --br // udp: datagram transport service --br // tcp: reliable transport service --br // internet routing and routing protocols --br // network performance qos and diffserv --br // multimedia and ip telephony voip --br // network security --br // network management snmp --br // trends in networking technologies and uses --br // simplified application programming interface |
متاح في: | مكتبة جامعة آزال للتنمية البشرية |