رقم التصنيف: | 005 |
العنوان: | Software quality engineering: Testing, quality assurance, and quantifiable improvement |
المؤلف: | Jeff Tian // john wiley |
الناشر: | hoboken, nj: wiley |
تاريخ النشر: | 2005 |
الترقيم الدولي: | 0471722324 |
الموضوعات: | computer software -- quality control // computer software -- testing // reference -- general // electrical and electronics engineering |
الوصف المادي: | 412p; 24cm |
نوع الوعاء: | كتاب |
اللغة: | عربي |
المستخلص: | quality assurance --br // quality assurance in context --br // quality engineering --br // testing: concepts, issues, and techniques --br // test activities, management, and automation --br // coverage and usage testing based on checklists and partitions --br // input domain partitioning and boundary testing --br // coverage and usage testing based on finite-state machines and markov chains --br // control flow, data dependency, and interaction testing --br // testing techniques: adaptation, specialization, and integration --br // defect prevention and process improvement --br // software inspection --br // formal verification --br // fault tolerance and failure containment --br // comparing quality assurance techniques and activities --br // feedback loop and activities for quantifiable quality improvement --br // quality models and measurements --br // defect classification and analysis --br // risk identification for quantifiable quality improvement --br // software reliability engineering |
متاح في: | مكتبة جامعة آزال للتنمية البشرية |