رقم التصنيف: | 615.14 |
العنوان: | Pharmaceutical calculations (11th ed) |
المؤلف: | Howard C. Ansel // mitchell j. stoklosa |
الطبعة: | 11th ed |
الناشر: | philadelphia: lippincott williams & wilkins |
تاريخ النشر: | 2001 |
الترقيم الدولي: | 0781731720 |
الموضوعات: | pharmaceutical arithmetic // Pharmacy // Dosage Forms // Weights and Measures // Drug Compounding // mathematics |
الوصف المادي: | xii, 396 pages: illustrations; 27 cm |
نوع الوعاء: | كتاب |
اللغة: | عربي |
المستخلص: | 1. some fundamentals of measurement and calculation --br // 2. interpretation of the prescription or medication order --br // 3. the metric system --br // 4. calculation of doses --br // 5. reducing and enlarging formulas --br // 6. density, specific gravity, and specific volume --br // 7. percentage, ratio strength, and other expressions of concentration --br // 8. dilution and concentration --br // 9. isotonic solutions --br // 10. electrolyte solutions: milliequivalents, millimoles, and milliosmoles --br // 11. some calculations involving units, and other measures of potency --br // 12. constituted solutions, intravenous admixtures, and rate of flow calculations --br // 13. some calculations in contemporary compounding --br // 14. body mass index and the nutrition label --br // 15. some calculations associated with drug availability and pharmacokinetics --br // 16. some calculations involving veterinary pharmaceuticals --br // 17. calculation of active drug moiety --br // 18. some calculations involving radiopharmaceuticals --br // 19. some calculations associated with plant extractives --br // 20. some pharmacoeconomic calculations --br // 21. miscellaneous pharmaceutics calculations --br // appendices a-d --br // review problems --br // answers to practice and review problems --br // atomic weights |
القسم: | 0 |
متاح في: | مكتبة جامعة آزال للتنمية البشرية |