محرك البحث لمكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن
محرك بحث يمني يهدف الى تجميع فهارس كافة مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن
01949nam 2219BKE000607 450000100120000000300230001200500090003500800410004408200080008507200410009302000150013410000140014926000300016350002600019330000150045352010120046824500930148065000410157365000330161465000250164765000430167219BKE000607StarLibrary Marc Built20180403201711 ||||| |||||||||||amh a005 acomputer software -- quality control a0471722324 aJeff Tian bhoboken, nj: wiley c2005 athis text offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to software quality engineering. by following the authors clear guidance, readers learn how to master the techniques to produce high-quality, reliable software, regardless of the software systems le a412p; 24cm aquality assurance --br // quality assurance in context --br // quality engineering --br // testing: concepts, issues, and techniques --br // test activities, management, and automation --br // coverage and usage testing based on checklists and partitions --br // input domain partitioning and boundary testing --br // coverage and usage testing based on finite-state machines and markov chains --br // control flow, data dependency, and interaction testing --br // testing techniques: adaptation, specialization, and integration --br // defect prevention and process improvement --br // software inspection --br // formal verification --br // fault tolerance and failure containment --br // comparing quality assurance techniques and activities --br // feedback loop and activities for quantifiable quality improvement --br // quality models and measurements --br // defect classification and analysis --br // risk identification for quantifiable quality improvement --br // software reliability engineering aSoftware quality engineering bTesting, quality assurance, and quantifiable improvement acomputer software -- quality control acomputer software -- testing areference -- general aelectrical and electronics engineering