محرك البحث لمكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

محرك بحث يمني يهدف الى تجميع فهارس كافة مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

Fitzpatricks color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology

رقم التصنيف:  
Fitzpatricks color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology
Klaus Wolff // richard allen johnson // arturo p. saavedra
7th ed
New York: McGraw-Hill Medical
تاريخ النشر:  
الترقيم الدولي:  
dermatology -- atlases // Nursing // skin diseases // dermatology // wabi // boards
الوصف المادي:  
xxxviii, 916 pages: color illustrations; 23 cm
نوع الوعاء:  
eczema dermatitis --br // psoriasis and psoriasiform dermatoses --br // ichthyoses --br // miscellaneous epidermal disorders --br // genetic and acquired bullous diseases --br // neutrophil-mediated diseases --br // severe and life-threatening skin eruptions in the acutely ill patient --br // benign neoplasms and hyperplasias --br // photosensitivity, photo-induced disorders, and disorders by ionizing radiation --br // precancerous lesions and cutaneous carcinomas --br // melanoma precursors and primary cutaneous melanoma --br // pigmentary disorders --br // the skin in immune, autoimmune, and rheumatic disorders --br // endocrine, metabolic and nutritional diseases --br // genetic diseases --br // skin signs of vascular insufficiency --br // skin signs of renal insufficiency --br // skin signs of systemic cancers --br // skin signs of hematologic disease --br // cutaneous lymphomas and sarcoma --br // skin diseases in organ and bone marrow transplantation --br // adverse cutaneous drug reactions --br // disorders of psychiatric etiology --br // bacterial colonizations and infections of skin and soft tissues --br // fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails --br // viral diseases of skin and mucosa --br // arthropod bites, stings, and cutaneous infections --br // systemic parasitic infections --br // sexually transmitted diseases --br // disorders of hair follicles and related disorders --br // disorders of the nail apparatus --br // disorders of the mouth --br // disorders of the genitalia, perineum, and anus --br // generalized pruritus without skin lesions (pruritus sine materia)
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مكتبة جامعة آزال للتنمية البشرية