محرك البحث لمكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

محرك بحث يمني يهدف الى تجميع فهارس كافة مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

00876nam 2219BKE000471 450000100120000000300230001200500090003500800410004408200110008507200610009602000180015710000300017526000450020550002600025025000100051030000150052024500360053565000610057165000340063219BKE000471StarLibrary Marc Built20180403201711 ||||| |||||||||||amh  a616.07 adiagnostic ultrasonic imaging -- handbooks, manuals, etc a9789241547451 aWorld Health Organization bgeneva: world health organization c2011 aWhen the first edition of this manual was published in 1995 it quickly established itself as a reference work. In the intervening period the rapid developments that have occurred in both ultrasound equipment and investigative techniques including use of u a2. ed a420P; 24cm aManual of diagnostic ultrasound adiagnostic ultrasonic imaging -- handbooks, manuals, etc adiagnostic ultrasonic imaging