محرك البحث لمكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

محرك بحث يمني يهدف الى تجميع فهارس كافة مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن

01104nam 2219BKE001851 450000100120000000300230001200500090003500800410004408200120008507200260009702000180012310000140014126000380015550002600019325000160045330000150046952001550048424500330063965000260067265000330069865000380073165000260076965000280079565000110082319BKE001851StarLibrary Marc Built20180403201711 ||||| |||||||||||amh  a616.150 ahematology -- atlases a9783540270164 aH Loffler bberlin; new york: springer c2005 athe volume covers all the microscopic methods in hematology that form the basis of diagnosis as well as the results of modern immunologic# cytogenetic and molecular-genetic investigation. special emphasis is placed on the cytogenetic and molecular-genetic a6th rev. ed a429p, 28cm amethodology. i. techniques of specimen collection and preparation; ii. light microscopic procedures. staining methods for the morphologic and cytochem aAtlas of clinical hematology ahematology -- atlases ablood -- diseases -- atlases ahematologic diseases -- pathology amedical -- hematology asang -- examen -- atlas asang -