محرك البحث لمكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن
محرك بحث يمني يهدف الى تجميع فهارس كافة مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم والبحث العلمي في اليمن
01264nam 2219BKE000398 450000100120000000300230001200500090003500800410004408200110008507200140009602000150011010000200012526000630014550002600020825000180046830000410048652004230052724500260095065000140097665000250099065000150101519BKE000398StarLibrary Marc Built20180403201711 ||||| |||||||||||amh a616.07 aPathology a044305956x apeter r. studdy bedinburgh; new york: elsevier churchill livingstone c2001 athe visual presentation of the subject matter, divided into one-page units, makes for easy learning and re-call. pathology is central to the study of medicine and forms the bridge between the basic sciences and clinical medicine. this volume covers both b aFifth Edition axii, 677 pages: illustrations; 25 cm a2. inflammation --br // 3. healing --br // 4. infection --br // 5. immunity --br // 6. neoplasia --br // 7. cardiovascular diseases --br // 8. respiratory system --br // 9. gastrointestinal tract --br // 10. liver, gallbladder and pancreas --br // 11. haemopoietic and lympho-reticular tissues --br // 12. genitourinary system --br // 13. nervous system --br // 14. musculo-skeletal system --br // 15. endocrine system aPathology illustrated aPathology apathology -- atlases apathologie